New Insights into Energy Consumption

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New Insights into Energy Consumption

No one is escaping the crunch of rising energy costs. Hospitality is being hit particularly hard, as they’re also having to deal with rapidly increasing costs across their food and produce supplies. Owners across the hospitality sector are more concerned than ever about maximising business in order to keep profits up.

Rather than just focusing on trying to increase business, it’s also an ideal opportunity to look at ways to reduce costs. Refrigeration is one area where, if wrong, can cost a business a lot of money. In fact, academic studies have shown that refrigeration accounts for around 41% of a restaurant’s power bills. In food retail that figure can be even higher, accounting for up to 55-70% of the average convenience store’s power bill.

However, refrigeration has now come a long way in the past few decades. Gone are the days of harmful refrigerants and the high energy bills that were associated with them. Nowadays, the right refrigeration can account for just a small percentage of a business’ energy costs.

As you try to minimise costs through the busy season, replacing aging refrigeration might be one way to see some savings.

When manufacturing SKOPE refrigeration products, our team have energy efficiency front of mind. All of our products utilise natural refrigerant and outperform competitors in energy usage.

Energy Comparison Tool Example Resampled

Our brand-new Energy Comparison Tool

To help identify potential cost savings and energy consumption, we have created a tool that allows you to compare energy consumption, energy costs per year GEMS data for various refrigeration products to gain a quick snapshot of performance. To ensure the data is as accurate as possible, we have added a filter option that allows you to enter in your own per kW energy cost. This gives you an accurate per annum cost for each product.

All data in this tool has been taken from EECA Greenhouse & Energy Minimum Standards Regulator and is regularly updated.

Access the tool here to quickly and easily see how you can make some savings by choosing the right type of refrigeration.
