SKOPE is Toitu carbonreduce certified

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SKOPE is Toitu carbonreduce certified

At SKOPE, we’re committed to sustainability and are working hard on actions in our three pillars of work; Climate Change Action, Responsible Production and Sustainability Culture. We’re really proud to announce we’ve made a major step forward on Climate Change Action - we’ve completed our first greenhouse gas inventory. With our roots in good engineering, it goes without saying that we respect the science, so we’ve also had this independently certified in line with international best practice – achieving Toitū carbonreduce certification.

Carbon measurement and management requirements are evolving as international efforts to reduce global warming to 1.5oC of warming are not going fast enough. Whilst historically, most organisations were required to measure their direct and ‘easy’ to measure emissions (Scope 1 and 2), this is no longer ‘good enough’. This is because research has shown that most of an organisation’s carbon emissions hide in Scope 3 (or value chain). Standards and requirements are moving to include Scope 3 but it’s still early days. So, we decided to attempt to measure as much of that as possible from the get go.

What have we measured?

We have collected data on our electricity, fuel, waste-to-landfill and freight. But we’ve also estimated emissions from other activities, for example, purchased goods and services, staff commuting, working from home and recycling. Lastly, the big one, emissions from energy use of our products in market.

By including this last source, we can see the incredible opportunity to impact not only ours, but our customers emissions (as it is their Scope 2 or 3 emissions) by driving hard for more energy efficiency. It’s a win-win.

So what are we going to do about it?

We know that it’s going to take action on all fronts to reduce our emissions, so we’ve developed a list of reduction projects we’re working on.

For example, to address the biggest source, energy use of our products, we have expedited design changes and are focussing hard on research and development of new ideas. We are also undertaking an energy audit of our head office and main factory site to find opportunities to reduce emissions from energy. Enabling our staff to decarbonise their commute is also key, and we are building a bike shed, installing EV chargers and piloting a Sustainable Commute project to raise awareness and change behaviour.

We are also implementing smaller changes where possible. For instance, at SKOPE sites we are now single-use-cup free, we have switched to a more sustainable safety glove in our factory which has recycled material and recyclable packaging and our finance team have changed accounts process to reduce printing by approximately 5600 pages per year.

Be a part of the solution

We’re committed to a science-aligned reduction pathway, and commit to measuring our emissions on a yearly basis and tracking our progress. But we can’t do it alone. We need you (our customers and suppliers) to be on the journey too. Join us by taking positive climate action and share your journey alongside us. 

About Toitū carbonreduce:

The Toitū carbonreduce programme requirements meet and exceed international standards and best practice, including ISO 14064-1:2018 and the GHG Protocol. The certification is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ). The programme is provided by Toitū Envirocare which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the New Zealand Crown Research Institute – Manaaki Whenua, and is accredited by CDP.


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