SKOPE-connectEYE: Operation

SKOPE Connect Eye Graphic 1 cc 01

Set Temperature Alarms

  1. Open the SKOPE-connect app and navigate to the Temp page for the EYE device.
  2. Toggle the Temperature Alert switch to On. You will receive notifications if the estimated product temperature exceeds the limits you have set.
  3. Change alarm limits by tapping Allowable Range, selecting the storage type, and moving the slider.


Note: For a fridge, use 5°C for the upper limit and 0°C for the lower limit. For a freezer, use -15°C as the upper limit and -30°C as the lower limit. These alarm limits are a guide and may need to change based on the appliance settings.

Calibrate EYE for Food Safety Measurement

To use the EYE for food safety measurements, first calibrate to measure the worst-case temperatures inside a fridge. Hand-held thermometer required.

  1. Identify the warm locations within the fridge.
  2. Place a glass of water or suitable food sample near a warm spot.
  3. Wait 6+ hours for the sample to cool.
  4. Ensure doors have been closed for 30+ minutes.
  5. Go to Temp in the app, tap Calibration.
  6. Take a manual temperature reading with a thermometer and compare to the app.
  7. Match temperatures using the temperature slide and tap Save.


Note: For thermometer calibration guidance contact the Australian Institute of Food Safety (1300 797 020) or the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries (04 830 1574).

Export Temperature Data

The EYE supports up to two months of stored data. We recommend exporting temperature data at least once a month to avoid data loss.

  1. Open SKOPE-connect and navigate to the Temp page for the EYE device.
  2. Tap Export Data, located above the temperature graph.