What choose Short Term Rental?

SKOPE Funding offers Short Term Rental solutions for display fridges and freezers as well as open deck merchandisers. Whether you're gearing up for a special event, seeking extra storage capacity, bridging a gap, attracting new customers or trialing a new product, our Short Term Rental is designed to minimise your risk and help you meet your potential. 

Timing is everything; move quickly with refrigeration rental that won't hold you back. 

SKOPE Funding is available throughout Australia and New Zealand.


Short Term Rental FAQs

WebImage OpenDeck

Application Process

1 - Get a quote using this form                   

2 - Apply online here                                    

3 - Sign the rental agreement and completes the delivery form

4 - SKOPE will book in the refrigeration unit to be run, tested, tagged and delivered

5 - SKOPE will send an invoice monthly

6 - To book the return, email skopefunding@skope.com with your pick up details

Short Term Rental Cabinets Available

Model Dimensions (W x D x H mm) Best Suited To
Single Display Fridge 740 x 795 x 2195 Food and beverage display fridges for front of house use and special events
Double Display Fridge 1280 x 795 x 2195 Food and beverage display fridges for front of house use and special events
Open Deck (Medium) 1205 x 660 x 1300 Launching a new product to the market, trialing before purchase, impulse for convenience stores and special events
Open Deck (Large) 1285 x 830 x 2015 Impulse for convenience stores and supermarkets
Single Display Freezer 740 x 745 x 2200 Food and beverage display freezers for front of house use and special events
Double Display Freezer 1130 x 745 x 2210 Food and beverage display freezers for front of house use and special events

Get a quote

Complete the form and our team will quote and check stock availability for you. You can choose more than one model from the drop down selection.

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